
About Sortko InstructionsLanguage: English Hrvatski

Sortko is designed to be very intuitive to the student. Overall, it consists of three views: initial (login) view, the sorting view and the results view.

When the student opens the application, the login view is presented. Sorko supports students testing their mettle against their colleagues from all over the world in being the best sorter. If you would like to compete enter your name and surname (or a nickname) with which you wish to be known on the top players list.

By tapping “Sort” the student is given a choice of available sorts (sorting algorithms) to try. Selecting an algorithm opens the sorting view for that algoritm.

The sorting view consists of the name of the sorting algorithm, a button to change the currently selected algorithm, the instructions for the current sorting step, the main sorting area in the middle and current accumulated points in the top right.

The main sorting area is where the fun begins. It consists of eight boxes or slots filled with randomly generated numbers that should be sorted ascending (meaning the lowest number should at the end be in the leftmost slot, and the highest in the rightmost), following the instructions for that specific sorting algorithm.

If you make a mistake, an error will pop up and the instruction will give you more guidance about the current sorting step.

Some sorts have a temporary variable (a place to temporarily store the value of one of the slots). For those sorts, an additional slot is shown in the lower right of the screen which should be used when appropriate for the sort.

If you are unsure what to do, reread the instructions and try again – in no time most steps will be second nature!

Points are given for each successfully completed step of the sorting algorithm. Points are deducted for each mistake. Once you get a hang of Sortko and get a good understanding of the sorting algorithms involved, try to work on your speed – a lot more points are awarded to those skilled players who are able to quickly and accurately complete the sorting steps!

Once you successfully complete a sort, the results view is shown, with the points earned in your current sorting round shown to the left, and the points of other players for that sort to the right. By clicking on overall you can see the overall list, independent of specific sorts. Be a specialist of one sort or the master sorter – the choice is yours!

Good luck!